Monthly Archives

May 2024

Design Patents and Appendices

Design patents often rely heavily on visual representations to protect the unique aesthetic features of an invention. Drawings that show the claimed design need to be consistent. As it is generally preferable to have six figures to show a full article to cover all its aspects, it is important to be mindful of the perspective views. Perspective views may also be included, but some applicants rely on perspective views without all corresponding six views. This can create issues as perspective views may cause distortion and thus inconsistency with the other six views. As another example, if only perspective views are used, there may be aspects of the design that are not fully shown, which can be fatal to the application.

One potential approach to supplement disclosure of a design application in case problems arise in prosecution is to utilize an appendix. While appendices may be an uncommon addition in utility patents, they emerge as invaluable assets in design patents. These supplementary materials, comprising images, photographs, and materials, offer comprehensive support beyond what drawings alone may provide. Such additional support can be especially useful for international applications and for depicting intricate details that are not clearly shown in the drawing. Appendices enrich the patent disclosure, ensuring a robust path for prosecution, particularly in the US.

McCoy Russell has a specialty design practice that makes use of both in-house drawing specialists and trusted drafts teams to support its clients’ designs. Please contact us at [email protected] if we can be of assistance.

MBA Battle of the Lawyer Bands

Once again the Multnomah Bar Association is supporting it Battle of the Lawyer Bands event to fundraise for Multnomah Bar Foundation’s CourtCare, CourtSupport and CourtConnect. McCoy Russell is excited to not only participate in this charitable event that brings together legal professionals from various firms to showcase their musical talents, but contribute to a cause that makes a significant impact on access to justice for those in need.

We thank fellow Rockstar Sponsors Farleigh Wada Witt and Menache Properties for their support of this event.

Please see the Multnomah Bar Association website to purchase tickets for the event on Thursday, August 15, 2024.

OPLA’s Salishan Conference

The Oregon Patent Law Association recently relaunched its 2024 Conference at Salishan. The conference brought together intellectual property professionals from the Pacific North West, Arizona, Canada, and UK. Among these professionals was Justin Wagner who currently serves as OPLA’s President and helped coordinate the conference along with OPLA Board Members.

OPLA’s conference was a weekend devoted to fostering connections among patent professionals and featuring expert speakers addressing key topics in Patent Law. McCoy Russell is proud to continue its active support of OPLA and its events examining advanced topics in Patent Law.

USPTO Notice of Potential Erroneous Release of Patent Application Titles

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently replaced the Electronic Patent Assignment System (EPAS) and Electronic Trademark Assignment System (ETAS) with Assignment Center.

Sometime after the transition, a programming oversight inadvertently allowed unauthorized access to certain bibliographic information. This bibliographic information was limited to the application number (the two-digit series code plus the six-digit serial number) and title of the invention.

The USPTO has issued error notices and McCoy Russell has already established processes that have managed this issue proactively. The firm’s collaborative and dedicated action teams continue its meticulous processes and review all inbound documentation and update docketing for its clients.

We note the USPTO first identified the software error on March 28, 2024, and promptly rectified it by March 29, 2024. It is important to clarify that only application numbers and titles were disclosed; applicant specifications and claims were not accessible during this incident.