Xiaohong Ding visits Beijing for AIPLA delegation

By June 17, 2019 News

McCoy Russell attorney, Xiaohong Ding, has just arrived in Beijing for her AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Law Association) delegation trip. This is the third year in a row Xiaohong has had the honor of delegate on behalf of the IP Practice in China Committee of the AIPLA.

The Committee works to establish and maintain relations with professional societies in China whose members are interested in intellectual property law.  The Committee’s members study Chinese law and practice and report on issues of interest to the AIPLA Board of Directors and membership.  The Committee also provides information on US intellectual property law to any interested party in China, if called upon to do so. In addition, the Committee organizes these regular trips to China.

This trip begins in Beijing and then its on to Shenzhen where the delegates have an opportunity to learn of updates and changes in Chinese IP law from the CNIPA. Additionally, to visit and communicate with many of the companies in China about intellectual property.